Friday, April 15, 2011

Proof of the Pudding is in the eating...

Well bloggers, online courses have been developed amidst much weeping and wailing. Test courses were lost, files could not be uploaded, videos were not displayed and every imaginable calamity that can affect a harried student working on an assignment mere hours before the deadline, occurred. Even in the swirl of the stress and chaos, you all persevered. I peeked in every now and then and gave a bit of comfort and encouragement here and there but by and large most of you sweated and did the work and I was impressed. I can safely say that most of the courses were clear, practical and aligned with objectives and context. There is much that can be done to improve because there is always room for improvement but I am satisfied that most of you understand what is required to develop a blended course, you understand how and when technology can and should be used in a course and you understand the constraints of your circumstances. I feel certain that if I had not given the assignment of preparing a blended course then you would not have fully appreciated all the issues involved from process to pedagogy and technology. In other words, the proof of the pudding is in the eating...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Working on your online course: Planning is the key

Its been a few weeks since my last post. I have been monitoring the progress (or lack of progress in some cases) of the development of your blended courses. I have had a few queries and some suggestions so I know some people are working hard to meet the April 11 deadline. I am hoping that the storyboards helped guide you so you were clear on what learning outcomes would be addressed. Always remember that you need to have a plan BEFORE you start to develop your course otherwise you may find yourself doing things in a very haphazard manner and really not meeting objectives. If you are having any problems you need to sort them out early, please don't wait until the deadline has arrived to communicate in a panic. You really don't need the stress caused by last minute work.