Thursday, July 16, 2015

Humanize the learning Environment!!!!

Facilitating an online or blended course and facilitating a face to face course IS different. Yes, principles of good teaching apply in both cases but we have to admit that engaging our learners in an online environment requires a different kind of skill. We can all tell when students are bored, de-motivated or just plain confused- face-to-face that is. Can we tell when our online students are lost? It’s very difficult especially if we are using asynchronous methods and teaching at a distance. One of the big issues in facilitation of online and blended learning is preventing feelings of isolation. I know some of you will say that there can be isolation in the face to face environment and this is true, however it is more prevalent in the online environment. We have to admit too that we are social beings and an online environment can be very mechanical or impersonal. As facilitators we therefore need to find ways to humanize the environment, create a social space that is relevant, comfortable and safe for the student. Where they feel they are being heard and where participation becomes almost an addiction. The following have been useful as I have charted the course of facilitating online learning.

  • Boettcher, J.V.2011. Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online: Quick Guide for New Online Faculty
  • Berge, Z. (n.d.) The Role of the Online Instructor/Facilitator ( downloaded from Research Gate)
  • Assessing Online Facilitation Instrument

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dr. Dianne

    This was a useful post for me. I am seriously considering converting my Numerical Methods course to a blended format and this issue (Humanizing the learning environment) was a concern of mine.
    My course is an MSc course and many students miss face to face class time due to work commitments (working offshore or plant turnaround).
    I know that simply posting the content online is not enough. Students still need to feel accountable to someone even when they have the option of learning in their own time. It can be especially difficult for those who are not self motivated. If they feel that there is an online presence that expects to see meaningful online activity from them (with deadlines), this can be a great factor in preventing the learners from deferring their learning activities for too long.

