Sunday, February 13, 2011

No comments yet

I started this blog to use as an example in my elearn course. I would like to get the students to at least view the blog and post a comment so that they can see how it can be used in their own courses. I am searching around to find some issues that would make for interesting blogging. Many of the participants are focussing on the challenge of making choices with regard to tools for blended learning. I will give this some more thought and post another comment later.


  1. A useful starting point tailored for educators, touching on a personally preferred tool - google docs

  2. Thanks Sanjay. How do you like the following website for google apps?

  3. I have also used Google docs and I'm going to check out the website Dianne suggested above. I'm always looking for ways to enhance my tech skills for personal and classroom use.

  4. Blogging can be a very useful tool for students to share their thoughts on a topic as well as for the lecturer to demonstrate his/her own writing skills and critical thinking and obtain feedback from students. I guess we can say lead by example? It can be used more efficiently in my course to stimulate discussions before face to face meetings and to clarify issues after class. It's a good way of mapping thought progression.

  5. In our class today we got to see how myelearning works and to me there were many useful tools in there that I am looking forward to investigating before trying my hand at Google Apps.

  6. I would like to try blogging with my class- my worry though is that in a class with 300 students, am I going to cope trying to follow and keep up with all the students’ entries?

  7. Although I've used the Open Forum in myeLearning courses, I tend to be averse to blogs and blogging because of the tone of entries I see on newspaper & magazine blogs in the 'real world'. I have to have an attitude shift with regard to the concept or notion of blogging.

  8. I have also noticed that persons designed their storyboards in a variety of ways. I guess this may all be related to individual learning styles. I know that I am a read write learner, and I used text to design my storyboard. But in my opinion, the advantage to blended courses lies in the fact that despite my personal learning style, online instruction methodologies are very visual, aural, and can be hands-on. So that my storyboard may not be very visual, but the blended course will certainly have strong elements which relate to all learning styles.
